Product news
OneLink now can support apps in a variety of new stores - just visit your OneLink settings, fill in the app ID or URL, and you're ready to go!
Product news
We’re thrilled to announce that, along with Apple’s release of CPPs for iOS 15, AppsFlyer will support the feature and drive even more value from it.
Product news
We are excited to announce AppsFlyer’s solution for Private Relay, which enables Private Relay users to enjoy deferred deep linking.
Product news
Learn how to provide a seamless user experience for iOS & Android devices, with AppsFlyer first-to-market attribution solution for Apple's App Clips.
Product news
Smart Banners convert high-intent visitors into loyal app users. This upgrade makes banner campaigns much simpler to design and manage.
Product news
This just in: Learn how to capitalize on branding, ensure consistent identity, and drive trust to remove friction from user journeys with Branded Links.
Product news
If you are leveraging Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on the Play Store by wrapping it in an Android App using TWA - this blog is just for you.
Product news
AppsFlyer Landing Pages enables app marketers to avert poor user experiences resulting from deep linking issues in social media - find how inside.
Product news
As an Apple Search Ads Partner, AppsFlyer looks forward to delivering superior service and new product innovations to benefit mutual clients.
Product news
The AppsFlyer extension for Adobe Experience Platform Launch makes it easy for Adobe customers to integrate the AppsFlyer SDK into their app.